Friday, August 22, 2008 0.1b3 - not RC yet, but few bugfixes

still didnt found time to write tests (thats the goal for RC), but few things were fixed. also todo is getting bigger. next thing i'm working on are smilies (kupu editor was removed) and some catalog optimisations.

0.1b3 - 08/19/2008 - fix release
- validation for posting is now working
- subject at reply post is not needed
- style for buttons fixed
- style for pagination

0.1b2 - 08/17/2008 - fix release
- template fix (div inside a, added divs for easier theming)
- captcha is seen always seen when posting new post

here you can read more:

Friday, August 15, 2008

new forum for plone 3 - 0.1b1

I started this project a little more then half a year ago. At that moment i needed a forum and current solution were or not suitable for plone 3 or where horrible.

so here it is. finnaly finished. there are still some thing that will be improved especialy some tests would be nice, plus some ajax would be nice.

i expect first release candidate by the end of the week.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

where/how to learn plone?

i will assume that you already know how to click around plone, and you could easily be a site administrator for plone site. you also know how to change little things in ZMI, and you are familiar with TAL/METAL.

1. first you must read martins book "professional plone development" (there are guys on irc#plone already calling it plone bible). this will give you a nice starting how programming in plone looks like.

2. when you start digging around through code, a good starting base that you'll need is "A Comprehensive Guide To Zope Component Architecture". short but really nice book.

3. next book is about zope ... if you want to get into plone you must be familiar with zope. this is what i recomend

*** till know i only read this three books about plone/zope, if you know any other please let me know. i would like to learn more if there is a chance.

4. most important reasourse after that were blogs of "senior" ploners. so subscribe to ... and check it every day, you would be amazed how many usefull things this guys are talking about

want more? ... to be really 100% up to date ...
- usefull links to tutorials in one place (
- subscribe to mailing lists (
- be on 24/7 and you'll see what good/friendly community is
- zope planet ....
- python planet ...
- dont forget to ask uncle google for help

back to real life

few days ago i returned back from vacation. road trip we(me and my firl) made was amazing. taking our car for 4850km long ride was really great idea.

so from ljubljana(SLO) i went to sarajevo(BiH) then from sarajevo to salou(SPA) via ljubljana, verona(ITA), san remo(ITA), monte carlo(monaco), Nice(FRA), Cannes(FRA), Moinpelier(FRA), over the Pirenies (probably i misspelled this one), tarega(SPA).

there (in salou) we spend one lovely week with friend from eestec. thank you guys/girls from lc madrid for taking so good care of us. i'll post 10 best pictures in next week.

the only sad think about trip is that we coulndt finish my trip with our car completly. after 4850km my "sklopka" (kuplung in german i think) broke so for last 70km i had to cal toll truck to gave us a lift.

but that does not scare us for next trip ... we hope to do Genova --(ferry)--> Tunis -> Algeria -> Morocco --> Sevilla. maybe someday ... maybe next year :)