Wednesday, September 24, 2008

plone tune-up join us

you think fixing bugs can't be fun. wrong ... its all in aproach you take. first you need to make atmosphere, make playlist for the whole evening or just plug to your favorite radio. snacks should be in the reach of hand, that also goes for the beer. buy the best beer and snack you've been "saving" money for. with this atitude it can't go wrong.

join us at #plone-tuneup this friday and you'll get help and for sure you'll learn something new while doing something good. there will be some plone fathers and grand fathers to help you out.

here is the list of "favorite" tickets for this friday:

  • Error when must_change_password set to true must_change_password authenticator /
  • Specific permissions created for iterate not being implemented by the GS profile /
  • ATReferenceBrowserWidget batch may not work with IE6 and IE7 /
  • User | Group Memberships | select then remove group | removal fails; site manager is silently misdirected to the wrong user /
  • MFPlacefulWorkflow: Cannot select "No Workflow" or "Default Workflow" in Global content type to workflow mapping /
  • "My Folder" link missing from personal toolbar (workaround included) /
  • "Revert to this version" should be HTTP POST, not GET / criteria XMLHttpRequest calls are broken /
  • @ sign in table of contents shows text as link url in ie7 /
  • validators don't work on reference fields /

so this friday i'll be drinking beer and eatins snacks, what about you?

The next Plone Tune-Up day will take place this coming Friday Sept.
26th, starting at 10am EDT (New York)/ 16:00 (Paris).


Unknown said...

Hi there, I found this page while doing a good search for global content type to workflow mapping. I'm having the same issue as ticket 8444, mine is stuck on folder_workflow and I am unable to save the change to any other workflow policies. Any tips or suggestions would be very much appreciated!

Rok Garbas said...

dont quite understand your problem, but i think you can set everything through ZMI portal_types tool.