Sunday, September 28, 2008

CLUB 50 - bug champions, idea or reality?

last days i was fixing bugs for plone. yes it was that montly plone tuneup. i saw some new faces, i miss some old ones, but i think we achieve the goal. in comming week Gabrielle will probably sent status of bugs and how successfull we were last tuneup.

since there are quite few bugs left to fix i was thinking how to attract more ppl to fix them. i would really like to see "bugless" plone (well at least as little bugs as possible). idea i have is called CLUB 50.

whats club 50? its a club with yearly subscribtion
how do i get in? you fix 50 bugs in one month and you get yearly subscription
what are benefits of club 50? you'll get listed on "CLUB 50 list of the month"
what is "CLUB 50 list of the month"? its a listing of people that fix 50 or more bugs and is placed on first page of

probably idea needs to be polished i just want to put it out there to discuss, maybe someone in the past thought of this but then it didnt work, maybe number 50 should be changed, i dont know, for me it seems reasonable and will motivate me to fix 50bugs a months at least i would tried to. anyway we should talk more about this. what do you think? would you fix 50 bugs to get into CLUB 50? what PF board members think of this, especialy placing top debugers of last month on first page on

PS. i will not be in DC, but it would be nice if somebody present the effort of Plone TuneUp's on lightning talks.


Anonymous said...

50 bugs/month is too hard to me. I wonder how people become capable of fixing bugs in the Plone core. I always ask for newbie bugs when I attend to a tune-up session, althought I don't think of myself as a Plone newbie at all but an intermediate developer -I work on a startup company developing a social networking site using Plone.

So in my personal case the problem is that I don't understand how Plone core works, and I think I would need to devote too much time (more than I have) to get it with the documentation available.

That's why I'm really interested in the Plone documentation project. :-)

Apart from all this digression, I think that a list of the top bug squashers & a list of the new members of the squashing bugs team (just new people that have fixed >=N bugs recently) would be the best.

Rok Garbas said...

yes maybe 50 is not good number but something in this direction "hall of fame" should be done, if it would help to bring more developers to core.

i also dont know much about plone core, but thats not stopping me. i'll learn in a while, this plone tuneups are really great idea for makeing plone core "closer" to other developers.

glad you interested in documentation, since this is i think plone's weakest point.

Unknown said...

The essence of the idea is good, it would give credit to very important member of the Plone ecosystem.

In the Plone community being in the top 50 certainly would look good on your 'plone resume' ;) .

Rok Garbas said...

also nice idea, its hard to measure "credits" while number of bugs is easy.

but the essence of my posting was to motivate ppl to fix bugs. any other idea how to motivate?